
Friday, September 23, 2016

Hello everyone (I say to exactly no one)!

When I was younger I remember being able to control my dreams at will. As I grew up, I lost the ability, but now, with the reality of Adulthood™ beginning to set in, sleeping seems more and more like eight hours' worth of untapped potential.

Also, I remember it was really fun.

I've been poking around on the internet for ways to teach myself to lucid dream again, and the uniting strategy is to keep a dream journal. I do have a physical notebook, but it's messy and I'm a pretty slow writer, so I've been jotting down the gist of what I've dreamt and then typing up full summaries once I'm a little more awake.

Most of my dreams are bizarre, hilarious, or both, though, so I thought I would share--plus maybe I'll have the opportunity to interact with other like-minded dreamers if I put myself out there.

Ta for now,


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